
The DeployGar program implements a set of command line options for working with Genero archive (.gar) files on a GAS secured by a Genero Identity Provider.


DeployGar command [ options ] [ args ]  
  1. command. There are nine commands to perform actions on Genero archive (.gar) files on the GAS:
    1. list lists all deployed gar files.
    2. deploy deploys a gar file.
    3. undeploy undeploys a gar file.
    4. enable enables a gar file.
    5. disable disables a gar file.
    6. secure secures a gar file.
    7. unsecure unsecures a gar file.
    8. delegate configures delegation in a deployed Genero archive.
    9. config configures application security on the Identity Provider (IdP).
  2. options. Some options are specific to commands and these are described in the tables in DeployGar command options.
  3. args include the URL of the GAS. Some arguments are specific to commands and these are described in the next paragraphs.

Syntax 1: list archives

DeployGar list [ options ] url  
  1. options are described in Table 1
  2. url is the GAS base URL

Syntax 2: deploy/enable/secure archives

DeployGar { 
| deploy | undeploy 
| enable | disable 
| secure | unsecure } [  options  ] archive  url 
  1. options are described in Table 1
  2. archive is the Genero archive file name
  3. url is the GAS base URL

Syntax 3: delegate

DeployGar delegate [ options ] archive xcf url 
  1. options are described in Table 2
  2. archive is the Genero archive file name
  3. xcf is the file name of the application configuration file (.xcf) in the archive
  4. url is the GAS base URL

Syntax 4: config

DeployGar config [ options ] operation client_id url 
  1. options are described in Table 3
  2. operation to perform security configuration on IdP must be one of the following:
    { get | set }
  3. client_id is the OAuth client ID of the application
  4. url is the GAS base URL

DeployGar command options

Table 1. DeployGar options specific to the list/deploy/enable/secure commands
Option Description

-h  --help

Displays help for the command.

-u, --username username

Specifies the HTTP user name.

-p, --password password

Specifies the password of the HTTP user.
-t, --token value Specifies the access token value.
-f, --tokenfile filename Specifies the access token file.
-x, --xml Output result of command in XML format.
Table 2. DeployGar options specific to the delegate command
Option Description

-h  --help

Displays help for the command.

-u, --username username

Specifies the HTTP user name.

-p, --password password

Specifies the password of the HTTP user.
-t, --token value Specifies the access token value.
-f, --tokenfile filename Specifies the access token file.
Table 3. DeployGar options specific to the config command
Option Description

-h  --help

Displays help for the command.

-u, --username username

Specifies the HTTP user name.

-p, --password password

Specifies the password of the HTTP user.
-t, --token value Specifies the access token value.
-f, --tokenfile filename Specifies the access token file.
-c, --config filename Specifies the configuration filename.


Note: The DeployGar tool is located in your $FGLDIR/web_utilities/services/gip/bin/deploy directory.
The DeployGar tool allows you to manage Genero archive (.gar) files at the command line. For instance, you can use this tool to deploy and configure secure applications or services on a remote GAS or using a script.

Use a command with the help option to display available options. For example:

DeployGar config --help

Some examples are given in the next paragraphs using DeployGar.

Get list of deployed gar files

Run this command to get a list of deployed gar files on a GAS. Mainly, you would use this to check your access is working; that you have an up-to-date access token, and that the GAS URL is reachable.

DeployGar list --xml --tokenfile mytoken.json GAS_base_URL

  1. The --xml option is specified for the format of the output.
  2. The --tokenfile option needs the path to a file name where the access token got from the IdP is saved. See GetToken for details of getting the access token.
  3. GAS_base_URL is the URL for the Genero Application Server (GAS) where you want to see a list of deployed applications.

Deploy a gar file

Run this command to deploy a Genero archive file.

DeployGar deploy -f mytoken.json myGarfile.gar GAS_base_URL

  1. The -f option (short option for --tokenfile) gives the path to a file name where the access token got from the IdP is saved.
  2. GAS_base_URL is the URL for the Genero Application Server (GAS) where you want to deploy the application.

For more examples, see Automate application deployment via scripts and Automate application configuration via scripts.