The LOG element specifies details of the log files the Genero Application Server creates.


Sensitive and personal data may be written to the output. Make sure that the log output is written to files that can only be read by administrators, and review the management strategy for log files.



Child elements

The LOG element may contain the following child elements:

  1. One OUTPUT element.
  2. One FORMAT element.
  3. One CATEGORIES_FILTER element (optional).
  4. Zero or one RAW_DATA element.


You use the LOG element to specify where log files are created, the format of the log messages, the type of information logged, and the maximum size of a single log message. The GAS creates logs for each of its dispatchers, proxies, and DVMs.

It is possible to specify multiple LOG elements. For example, you may need to have separate log files capturing different categories of messages.

Usage example

  <OUTPUT Type="DAILYFILE">$(res.log.output.path)</OUTPUT>
  <FORMAT Type="TEXT">time event-type event-params</FORMAT>
  <RAW_DATA MaxLength="-1" />

To support more than one GAS process using the same log configuration, if a required log file cannot be opened, the GAS process ID will be added to the log file name.

Parent elements

This element is a child of the APPLICATION_SERVER element.