APPLICATION (for an application)

This APPLICATION element defines an application within the Genero Application Server configuration file or in an external application configuration file.


<APPLICATION [Id=app-name]  
   [<RESOURCE>...</RESOURCE>] [...]
  1. The app-name identifies the application. The Id attribute is required for applications defined within the Genero Application Server configuration file. For external configuration files, the Id attribute is ignored. The Id specified is compared to the application name in the request.
  2. The parent-app-name identifies the parent application, or the application from which this application will inherit its default configuration settings.
  3. The uri defines the URL of the XML schema. The default value is "".
  4. The schema defines the XML schema instance. When defining external application files, the valid value for a Web applications is ""
  5. The Abstract attribute defines whether this application configuration element is for an abstract application or a real application. Valid values are "TRUE" and "FALSE". An abstract application acts as a template and can not instantiate Virtual Machines.
  6. The mode-name when set to "sticky", defines a Web service as a sticky Web service. See Configure sticky Web services.

Child elements

The APPLICATION element may contain the following elements:

  1. Zero or one DESCRIPTION element.
  2. Zero or more RESOURCE elements.
  3. Zero or one EXECUTION (for an application) elements.
  4. Zero or one AUTO_LOGOUT elements.
  5. Zero or one UA_OUTPUT elements. This element is used for all UI applications.
  6. Zero or one END_URL element.


You use this element to configure Web applications you wish to make accessible through the GAS.

Example external Web application configuration file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc"
  <AUTO_LOGOUT Using="cpn.wa.autologout"/>
     <TIMEOUT> Using="cpn.wa.timeout"</TIMEOUT>

For more information, see Configuring applications on GAS.

Parent elements

When used in an application configuration file (.xcf), it is the top-most element.

When used in the GAS configuration file, this element is a child of the APPLICATION_LIST element.