Deploying and managing applications with GAR Deploying and managing applications and Web services using Genero Archives on the GAS. Genero Archive lifecycleThe lifecycle of a deployed Genero Archive involves six stages: deployed, secured, activated, deactivated, undeployed, and cleaned.Deploy an archiveWhen you deploy an archive on a Genero Application Server, the applications and services referenced in the archive are placed on the host, but are not yet available to users. File system layout of deployed archiveA Genero Archive contains application runtime files organized into subdirectories for modules, forms, etc. includes the MANIFEST and application configuration files. The directory structure is recreated when deployed.List all deployed archivesYou can list all deployed archives with a single command.Enable an archiveWhen you activate (enable) a deployed archive, the applications and services provided by the archive become available to users. Deactivate (disable) a deployed archiveWhen you deactivate (disable) a deployed Genero Archive (gar) file, the applications and services provided by the archive are not exposed (no longer available to users).Undeploy an archiveAn undeployed archive is no longer deployed and cannot be reactivated.Clean up undeployed archivesThe deployment tool provides a cleanup command that physically removes undeployed archives. This process is executed on user request.Upgrade an archiveYou can upgrade an application without having to kill processes or wait for users to log out.Upgrade a Web service while the GAS is runningIf you need to upgrade your Web service while it is still running on the GAS, there are options to consider depending on how you wish to perform this task. Compile, package, and redeploy after updating softwareYour applications must be compiled using the version of Genero you are deploying to. Deploying, enabling, and running applications on GASUse these examples for building archives, deploying applications, enabling, and running them locally on the GAS.Related conceptsDeployment on remote server