File system layout of deployed archive
A Genero Archive contains application source files organized into subdirectories for modules, forms, etc. includes the MANIFEST and application configuration files. The directory structure is recreated when deployed.
When you deploy, the contents of the archive are unpacked in the GAS
/deployment path.
A dedicated directory is created under the
/deployment directory. By default, the
deployment tool will use the archive name (without the file extension) as the deployment
directory. The directory name is completed with a timestamp representing the installation date.
Genero archive file
If the Genero Archive file included these files (in the same root directory):
- ./modules/app.42m
- ./modules/app.42r
- ./forms/app.42f
- ./xcf/app.xcf
The directory structure after unpacking the Genero archive would be similar to this, with the
current timestamp used:
- <APPDATA>/deployment/myapp-20130522-123456/MANIFEST
- <APPDATA>/deployment/myapp-20130522-123456/modules/app.42m
- <APPDATA>/deployment/myapp-20130522-123456/modules/app.42r
- <APPDATA>/deployment/myapp-20130522-123456/forms/app.42f
- <APPDATA>/deployment/myapp-20130522-123456/xcf/app.xcf