The CATEGORIES_FILTER element specifies which categories of log messages will be written to the log.


  1. The name is the filter name of a category of messages to write to the log. You can include multiple categories of messages by listing multiple filter names, separated by spaces. Table 1 lists the valid category filter names.
Table 1. Category filters
Filter Names Description
DEBUG Log internal information for debugging.
Important: Do not set unless requested by your support center.
WARNING Log warning messages.
ERROR Log error information.
MUTEX Log multi-threading information.
SESSION Log session management information.
GAS Log information about the Genero Application Server version, build and package.
LOG Display log parameters.
CONFIGURATION Log configuration management information.
DEPRECATED Log warnings if a deprecated function is used in a template.
PROCESS Log Dynamic Virtual Machine data, error, any process handled by the Genero Application Server.
VM Log communications with the Dynamic Virtual Machine.
FT Log information about file transfer.
ACCESS Log summary information about the requests handled by the server.
HTTP Log HTTP requests (interaction with the User Agent).
SOCKET Log information concerning sockets (creation, connection, communication, and so on).
TASK Extracts the time of all the things done by the GAS (a technical attribute).
TEMPLATE Information about TEMPLATE template processing.
TIMER Information about timers creation, destruction and expiration.
WA Context of the Web applications.
ALL Activate all categories except DEBUG.

Child elements

There are no child elements.


You use this element to specify which categories of log messages to write to the log. It is an optional element of the LOG element. If it is omitted, no categorized messages are logged.

With this example, all error and warning messages are written to the logs.

Only use the default categories ( GAS ACCESS PROCESS DEPRECATED ERROR WARNING ) when in production.
Important: Non-standard categories should be used with care.

Categories such as VM or ALL are for debugging and should only be set for a short period of time, as they generate many log entries.

The support center will tell you when you should set ALL for your categories filter.

Identify the category of a message

It is recommended to add the category entry to the FORMAT element, as it allows you to easily identify the category of each message written to the log file. Each line in the log will show the category of the message. You can use this information to:
  • Scan the logs for messages of a certain category
  • Identify which messages are of use, and update your <CATEGORIES_FILTER> element accordingly.

Generate a detailed daily log file

If you encounter an issue, you can generate a detailed daily log file to send to your support center. To create the detailed daily log file, use the ALL category filter name.

  <OUTPUT Type="DAILYFILE">/work/tmp/gas</OUTPUT>
  <FORMAT>date time relative-time process-id thread-id contexts event-type category event-params<FORMAT>

This example generates various log files in the /work/tmp/gas directory, depending on the dispatcher and the application or service run.

Parent elements

This element is a child of the LOG element.