Replay a log with Log Player

The Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) log player allows you to play back a session log in the browser.

You can use the log player feature to:
  • debug your applications
  • create a demo
What is logged? Only the interaction between the front-end and the DVM is recorded and replayed, so the runtime system is not needed when you replay your log.
Important: What is not logged?
  • Images and resources are not taken into account during the replay.
  • All user "local actions", such as copy, paste, and so on, are not saved and replayed. For example, only the sent value of a field is saved.
Tip: The Genero Desktop Client (GDC) has a logging feature similar to the Log Player. For more information see the Using the Logging System topic in the Genero Desktop Client User Guide.
Before you begin: Set the CATEGORIES_FILTER in the LOG element to ALL DEBUG in your GAS configuration file, FGLASDIR/etc/as.xcf. For example,
If you see this message in the debug frame after opening the log file, set the categories filter.
Log fields missing. Enable "ALL DEBUG" categories
If you make changes to the GAS configuration file, you need to restart the GAS by stopping and starting the dispatcher, Dispatcher: httpdispatch.
  1. In the Genero Web Client interface, click on the Run button next to the Log Player.

    You can find the log player at the GWC-JS interface home page, http://localhost:6394/ua/w/gwc-js/index.html.

    The log player page opens at http://localhost:6394/ua/w/gwc-js/index.html?logplayer=1.
  2. Click Browse to choose the log file. To find the session logs, choose from the following options:
    • On Linux®/UNIX™, navigate to FGLASDIR/appdata/dispatcher_name/yyyymmdd.
    • On Windows®, navigate to C:\ProgramData\vendor\gas\gas_version\log\dispatcher_name\yyyymmdd
    Where yyyymmdd is the directory for the current day.
    Note: Session log file names are prefixed with "uaproxy", for example uaproxy-3d5af84d3ad846d6463dfb0d776bdedd. The long string is the session ID, which uniquely identifies a session.
    The "File Upload" window opens, allowing you to select the log file.
    Tip: An application's log file is only available once you exit the application. Check the time the file was created to make sure you select the correct log.
  3. Click on the play button. In the main program frame, you can see the user interaction with the application replayed. In a frame below the main program, you can see here what was output to the session log as the application ran.
Other available options in the log player menu are:
  1. The "Delay between orders" field indicates how long the log player waits between two DVM instructions, or "log steps". Change this delay with the Delay between orders (ms). This can be used to speed up or slow down the replay.
  2. The Reset icon allows you to restart the log.
  3. The Next Step icon replays the application log one step at a time.
  4. The Forward icon allows you to fast forwards through the log. You set the number of steps to "jump" ahead. Use this to go to a specific location of the log file when replaying.