Write a Java session manager

The SessionManager is a program written in Java that manages the whole test session life cycle.

To instantiate the Scenario or the sequence of scenarios required to run your tests, include a getScenario() function in your SessionManager.

Example: Java Session Manager

The Scenario instance created is given to the main application (i.e. the first one launched), which it needs to get to run the tests.

If child applications are run by the main application, the SessionManager will also get each of them a Scenario and instantiate it, as shown in the example.
import com.fourjs.ggc.Scenario;
import com.fourjs.ggc.SessionManager;

public class mySessionManager
		implements SessionManager
	boolean mStarted = false;
	public Scenario getScenario()
        if (!mStarted) {
            mStarted = true;
            return new FirstScenario(); << will be given to the first 4gl application, the mother
        } else {
            return new SecondScenario(); << will be given to the second 4gl application, the child launched via run or run without waiting by the mother