Within the Genero Application Server configuration file, you can define various application components. Components are sets of preset variables, and are used by applications that share common configurations. Within the COMPONENT_LIST element, you specify components to be available for use by applications. When defining an application, you can then reference the component by its unique Id.


      EXECUTION (for an application) [...]
      TIMEOUT (for an application) [...]
      autoLogoutComponent [...]
      serviceTimeoutComponent [...]
      pictureComponent [...]
      renderingComponent [...]
      httpCookiesComponent [...]
      themeComponent [...]

Syntax notes

  1. The COMPONENT_LIST element does not support any attributes.
  2. Components are grouped by type. Each component type is discussed in its own section of this manual.

Child elements

A COMPONENT_LIST element may contain the following child elements:

Parent elements

This element is a child of one of the following elements: APPLICATION_SERVER