Add image/logo

Add an image or company logo to the header bar widget of your application.

Before you begin:
  • The following is assumed:
    • You have a project directory and your project_dir/customization/custom_project_dir directory contains the following .js, .tpl.html, and .scss files in the appropriate directories:
      • MyMainContainerWidget.tpl.html
      • MyMainContainerWidget.tpl.js
      • MyMainContainerWidget.scss
      • MyHeaderBarWidget.tpl.html
      • MyHeaderBarWidget.js
      Note: These files may be copied from your project_dir/customization/default/ directory or you can use the default customization.
    • Your project_dir/customization/customization_project/resources/img directory contains your image file.
  1. Open the project_dir/customization/custom_project_dir/js/MyHeaderBarWidget.tpl.html file with a text editor.
  2. Inside the div element add an <img> tag, and set its src attribute to the path to your image. Save your changes:
      <img src="./resources/img/my_logo.jpg"/>
      Applications started: <b class="MyHeaderBarWidget-counter"></b>
      <span data-i18n="mycusto.window.currentTitle"></span> : <b class="MyHeaderBarWidget-title"></b>
    In this example your can see:
    • An image is added in the img element.
      Important: When referencing an image in your project's resources directory from a file in the js directory, the path needs to be set relative to your customization_project, the application root at compilation time (./).
    • Text displays the number of applications opened, referencing the MyHeaderBarWidget-counter class.
    • Text displays the application title by referencing locale custom keys with the MyHeaderBarWidget-title class.
  3. Open your project_dir/customization/custom_project_dir/MyMainContainerWidget.js file. The header bar widget is added. Check that the main container class has code that adds the header bar class as a child of the main container widget.
    "use strict";
    modulum('MyMainContainerWidget', ['WidgetGroupBase', 'WidgetFactory'],
            constructor: function() {
              var headerBar = new cls.MyHeaderBarWidget();
        cls.WidgetFactory.register('MainContainer', cls.MyMainContainerWidget);
    In the highlighted code in the JavaScript example, you can see:
    • The variable headerBar references an instance of the MyHeaderBarWidget class.
    • The .getElement().querySelector method inserts the header bar widget as a child of the header element in the main container element of the interface.
  4. In your project_dir/customization/custom_project_dir/scss/customization.scss file add a reference to the MyMainContainerWidget.scss. In this example we import the MyMainContainerWidget style.
    @import "MyMainContainerWidget";
  5. Rebuild using grunt.
  6. Test the image is displayed as expected by closing and reopening your application.
    Tip: You may need to use CTRL + F5 to clear the browser cache before you see your changes.