Generate BDL test scenarios

Generate a BDL file set of SessionManager and Scenario classes from a recorded log file.

Before you begin:
  • Make sure that the /samples directory where your GGC package is installed has the following log files:
    • StartMenu.log
    • DemoPanel.log
  • It is assumed your environment is configured to run Java and the GGC, see Configure your environment for Ghost Client.
  1. To generate a BDL file set using sample log files, type the command shown below:

    java com.fourjs.ggc.Launcher --write path/to/generate/DemoPanel --log samples/DemoPanel.log --BDL
    java com.fourjs.ggc.Launcher --write path/to/generate/StartMenu --log samples/StartMenu.log --BDL

    Where the --BDL option at the end of the command specifies that a 4gl file set, instead of Java files test set, is to be written.

    • The --write option writes the test file set to path/to/generate/. If some or all directories in the specified path, do not already exist, they will be created. If the path specified is not absolute, GGC will consider its own directory as root.
    • The name of the generated file is fully qualified. Therefore it will be made up of the series of directories from the CLASSPATH to the path to where the compiled files are located (the package), with the file name (without extension) added at the end:
      • Package name

        Path to files


    • If BDL files with the same name already exist at the same location, an error will be raised.

Once the Ghost Generator feature has been run, the generated 4gl files need to be compiled as described in the next step.

  1. To compile your generated tests, type the following:

    cd path/to/generate/DemoPanel ; fglcomp DemoPanel.4gl
    cd path/to/generate/StartMenu ; fglcomp StartMenu.4gl

    The resulting file set can either be executed as is, see Run the demo integrity tests with BDL, or can be modified to do additional tests.