Features and limitations

Knowing the features and limitations of the different Genero front-ends help you determine which front-end is the most suitable for your applications.

While a Genero application largely reacts the same across different front-ends (Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS), Genero Desktop Client (GDC), and so on), there are limitations for applications.

Table 1. Rendering: Features and limitations for Genero front-ends
Look windows manager theme custom theme custom theme
Layout X X* X*
MDI windows X NA NA
Stacked window X X* X
Styles: .4st colors, fonts (common styles) X X X
Styles: .4st positioning X X X
Widgets Customization NA X X
Web Components X X X
Traditional GUI Mode X X X
Table 2. Behavior: Features and limitations for Genero front-ends
Synchronous triggers (predefined actions completed together) X X X
Drag and Drop X X X
Keying: dialogtouched X X X
Keying: Type ahead X X X
Keying: Accelerator keys X X X
Keying: Local actions X X* X*
Natural accelerator X X* X*
Cursor: fgl_dialog_getselectionend X NA X
Cursor: fgl_dialog_setselection X NA X
Cursor: fgl_dialog_getcursor X NA X
Cursor: fgl_dialog_setcursor X NA X
Cursor: fgl_getcursor X NA X
Widgets X X* X*
RIP widgets X NA NA
Table: Resizing columns X X X
Table: Display/Hide columns X X X
Table: Frozen columns X X X
Dockable toolbars/menus X NA NA
Genero Report Viewer X NA X
Richtext X X X
PictureFlow X X NA
Table 3. Interaction (with third party): Features and limitations for Genero front-ends
File transfer X X X
Session variables/Cookies NA X X
Stored settings X X X
front-end Call X X* X*
Table 4. Deployment: Features and limitations for Genero front-ends
front-end System All / Internet Explorer HTML5 Browsers HTML5 Browsers
Connections: HTTP / HTTPS X X X
Connections: rlogin / telnet / SSH / SSH2 X* NA NA
Single Sign On X X X

Hot key support

When using the Genero Web Client for JavaScript, some hot key combinations are not supported by specific browsers; they are trapped by the browser instead. The behavior is not consistent amongst the available browsers, and Four Js is unable to provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding hot key support for each supported browser.

To make an action available for when a hot key combination is not supported, you must make the action visible. For example, you can add the action to the action panel. This allows the user to click on a button when the hot key combination is not working.