Create widgets with the ModelHelper class APIs

The ModelHelper class in the Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) project provides APIs to help you customize widgets.

GWC-JS has two main widgets types:

The ModelHelper class provides APIs to help customization. It is available at project_dir/src/js/base/helpers/ModelHelper.js.

Table 1 lists the ModelHelper APIs and describes their function.

Table 1. ModelHelper APIs
Function Description

returns unfct

fct is the function called when a new application is started.

unfct is the function to call to unregister the listener


returns unfct

fct is the function called when an application is closed.

unfct is the function to call to unregister the listener.


returns unfct

fct is the function called when the current window changes.

unfct is the function to call to unregister the listener.


returns unfunct

fct is the function called when any DVM response is received . Be aware that this mechanism is global to all applications. On heavy updates this can slow down the application.

unfct is the function to call to unregister the listener.


returns win

win is the current application object or null if the application cannot be found.

returns app

app is the application to which the widget belongs.

returns node

idref is the AUI tree id reference.

node is the related widget node or null if the node is not found.


returns node

node is the widget representing the User Interface node in the AUI tree or null if not found.

returns node

node is the node holding the representation of value in the AUI tree.

returns node

Applies to FormField, Matrix or TableColumn.

node is the field node corresponding to the widget or null if it does not apply.


returns node

Applies to FormField, Matrix or TableColumn.

node is the node holding the visual information (Edit, CheckBox, ComboBox, etc...) or null if not found.

Extending a basic widget using ModelHelper

The sample code creates a basic widget for the header bar using some functions in the ModelHelper class. The code in the example is found in project_dir/customization/default/js/MyHeaderBarWidget.js

"use strict";

modulum('MyHeaderBarWidget', ['WidgetBase', 'WidgetFactory'],
   * @param {gbc} context
   * @param {classes} cls
  function(context, cls) {

     * @class classes.MyHeaderBarWidget
     * @extends classes.WidgetBase
    cls.MyHeaderBarWidget = context.oo.Class(cls.WidgetBase, function($super) {
      /** @lends classes.MyHeaderBarWidget.prototype */
      return {
        __name: "MyHeaderBarWidget",
        /** @type {classes.ModelHelper} */
        _model: null,
        /** @type {number} */
        _appsCount: null,

        constructor: function() {
          this._appsCount = 0;
          this._model = new cls.ModelHelper(this);

        onNewApplication: function(application) {
          var elt = this.getElement().querySelector(".MyHeaderBarWidget-counter");
          elt.textContent = this._appsCount.toString();

        onCloseApplication: function(application) {
          var elt = this.getElement().querySelector(".MyHeaderBarWidget-counter");
          elt.textContent = this._appsCount.toString();

        onCurrentWindowChanged: function(windowNode) {
          var elt = this.getElement().querySelector(".MyHeaderBarWidget-title");
          if (windowNode) {
            elt.textContent = windowNode.attribute('text');
          } else {
            elt.textContent = "<NONE>";