Generate test sets from log file

Generate test sets from recorded log files.

In the syntax of the following command line example it is assumed that the GGC package was unzipped in the same directory where you are running the Launcher, and that your environment is configured to run Java and the GGC, see Configure your environment for Ghost Client.

If you want to generate Java and BDL test sets from a log file that has previously been recorded from either the Genero Desktop Client or the Genero Web Client, run the command in example one for Java and example 2 for BDL.
  1. java com.fourjs.ggc.Launcher  -w path/to/generate/myapp_tests -l path/to/myapp.log

    This example is running the Launcher with the write -w option to generate a Java test set from a log file. The -l option is used followed by the path to the log file.

  2. java com.fourjs.ggc.Launcher  -w path/to/generate/myapp_tests -l path/to/myapp.log  --BDL

    This example is basically the same instruction but with the addition of the --BDL option at the end to specify that a 4gl file set, instead of Java files test set, is to be written.

    The samples directory in your GGC installation contains a set of recorded log files that can be used to automatically generate valid test sets in Java or BDL, see Generate tests from Sample log files.