Ghost Client options

The Ghost Client allows you to run tests in different ways using various command line options.

This section provides you with a reference guide to the available command line options and includes some examples to help you with using the Ghost Client to generate application tests.


java com.fourjs.ggc.Launcher [options]
Table 1. Ghost Client options
Option Description

-u URL

Specify the URL to use to test your application, see Launch tests to different front-ends.
--command "fglrun <myapp>"


Specify a test from a stand-alone DVM, using the direct connection mode. (Note: Not used with the URL -u option ), see Launch tests with direct connection


Specify the SessionManager java file to use.

(-t ) value

Specify the number of thread instances to launch to simulate the number of users using an application.

(-td ) value

Define the delay in seconds between the launch of each thread instance. For thread and thread delay options usage examples, see Load testing


Prevent the server X.509 certificates checking.


Launch the test for all protocols, /wa/r/, /ja/r/, /ua/r/.


(-w) path/to/generate/java_files
Write Java files generated from a log file to specified path


(-l ) path/to/log_file
Specify a log file to use to generate a test set, see Generate Java test scenarios
--BDL Command used with the --write and --log options to have the Ghost Generator write 4gl files instead of Java files generated from a log file.