What is a Genero Archive?

A Genero Archive is a zip archive containing a MANIFEST file providing installation instructions and the list of application and services to make available.

The Genero Archive is a simple zip file of a directory (or files). The archive name can be any name you wish. It need not reflect the applications or services contained within.

The MANIFEST file provides deployments instructions, and must be at the root of the archive tree.

It is possible to embed external tools into a Genero Archive. The content is not strictly restricted to compiled Genero applications. Taking advantage of this capability remains the responsibility of the user packaging the applications (portability considerations, and so on.)


An example Genero Archive file could include:
  • ./modules/app.42m
  • ./modules/app.42r
  • ./forms/app.42f
  • ./xcf/app.xcf
In the previous example, the files were organized within the root directory by a series of sub-directories. Such directories are not required. We could have placed all the files directly in the root and have provided the following archive contents for the same application:
  • ./app.42m
  • ./app.42r
  • ./app.42f
  • ./app.xcf