Deploying with Genero Archive / Quick start: deploying applications |
To enable access to images and Web components for your Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) applications, you need to add them to specific $(APPDATA)/public/ directories.
A public data directory (see Paths to application resources) is used especially for ua protocol applications to enable quicker access to common or public resources such as images, reports, etc. belonging to all deployed applications on the GAS.
This allows the dispatcher to cache resources, which can then be served without having to access an application's configuration file each time.
For example, if your FGL application has an instruction to display a public image, such as DISPLAY "photo.jpg", you must put the image file in the default $(APPDATA)/public/common , the default PUBLIC_IMAGEPATH directory so that it can be correctly served by the GAS.You can also use the application deployment framework method to add public images, see Resource deployment overview and Building an archive with public resources.
You can add Web components manually for your applications in the default $(application.path)/webcomponents directory, or you can add them to any directory provided the WEB_COMPONENT_DIRECTORY element is correctly configured to reflect it, see WEB_COMPONENT_DIRECTORY