GROUP (for a service)

The GROUP element allows you to specify a directory where external Web service application configuration files are located. Once a GROUP has been declared, an administrator can add an external Web service application configuration file into the specified directory, and the Genero Application Server will be able to locate and use that file without having to be restarted.

It takes an attribute Id, which specifies the unique identifier for this group. When calling an application defined by an external application configuration file, you must provide the group Id and the name of the external Web service application configuration file name (without the extension), which is typically the name of the Web service application.


<GROUP Id="groupName"> path </GROUP>

Syntax notes

  1. groupName is a string that uniquely identifies the group.
  2. path is the directory path where the external Web service application configuration files are to be placed.

Usage example

<GROUP id="mygroup">/home/myuser/config</GROUP>

Parent elements

This element is a child of one of the following elements: SERVICE_LIST