Attention: As of Genero version 3.00, the Snippet-Based Rendering Engine (SBRE) and all themes using template paths are deprecated. Output maps (e.g. DUA_HTML5) are no longer used to specify output theme, as the wa protocol did previously. For information on how templates and snippets were used by the front-ends, please refer to the Genero Application Server 2.50 User Guide.

For new development, use Genero Browser Client, see Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS).

The THEME element defines the theme to be applied to the application. It takes an optional attribute Using, in which the unique identifier of a predefined WEB_APPLICATION_THEME_COMPONENT element can be specified.

The THEME element may contain, TEMPLATE, SHORTCUT, and SNIPPET child elements, specifying the various templates and snippets to be used. You can specify multiple theme elements within an application, as different themes can be called by different windows and/or forms. If a template defined in this THEME element has the same unique identifier as a template inherited via a WEB_APPLICATION_THEME_COMPONENT setting, the local THEME element is used. In other words, templates defined explicitly for the application override any templates defined in the WEB_APPLICATION_THEME_COMPONENT that have the same template identifier.

Child elements

The THEME may contain the following elements:

  1. Zero or one TEMPLATE element.
  2. Zero or one SHORTCUT element.
  3. Zero or more SNIPPET elements.

Usage examples

<THEME Using="cpn.theme.default.gwc" />
<THEME Using="cpn.theme.default.gwc">
  <TEMPLATE Id="_default">/templatedir/deftemp.html</TEMPLATE>

For more information, see Defining a Theme Component.

Parent elements

This element is a child of one of the following elements: MAP