Starting with Genero 3.00, the PATH with Type APPSERVER attribute is
deprecated and used by GWC for HTML5 applications only.
UI applications that are using Genero Web Client for JavaScript
(GWC-JS), see the PUBLIC_IMAGEPATH under the UA_OUTPUT element instead.
When you specify the Type of APPSERVER, the PATH value is
then an enumeration of disk locations where the resource is potentially located. The server will
then build specific URL for each resources and then catch these URL to search through the given
paths for the resource on disk and deliver it.
<PATH Id="pathID" Type="APPSERVER" [ ExtensionFilter="ext" ]
[ DVMFallbackAllowed="TRUE|FALSE" ]>pathlist</PATH>
Syntax notes
- resID is the unique identifier for this picture component definition.
- pathID defines what is located in the specified path, such as "Image" or "Resource". The
Id attribute for the PICTURE element is optional; if not specified, it defaults to
- ExtensionFilter is an optional attribute that filters access to application resources
like images. Its value is a list of extensions, separated by semi-colons. For example:
.png;.gif;.jpeg;.jpg;.bmp;.ico;.js;.css. The extensions are case sensitive. You might want to
allow .png and not .PNG. If ExtensionFilter is not defined, access to any resources of the
application is granted. ExtensionFilter is also used to filter image extensions that are asked to
the DVM.By default, any applications which inherits defaultgwc configuration have restricted
access to resources (see defaultgwc image component references in as.xcf)
- DVMFallbackAllowed is an optional attribute that allows images and resources to be asked
to the DVM if they are not found at the locations pointed by pathlist. By default, asking
images to the DVM is allowed.
- pathlist is a list of directory paths separated by semi-colons.
<!-- A GAS multi-location Picture Component -->
<WEB_APPLICATION_PICTURE_COMPONENT Id="cpn.gwc.html5.picture">
<PATH Id="Resource" Type="WEBSERVER">$(connector.uri)/fjs</PATH>
<PATH Id="Image" Type="APPSERVER" ExtensionFilter="$(res.image.extensions)">
<PATH Id="SetHtml5" Type="APPSERVER"
ExtensionFilter="$(res.web.extensions);.less;.svg" DVMFallbackAllowed="FALSE">
<PATH Id="WebComponents" Type="APPSERVER"
ExtensionFilter="$(res.web.components.extensions)" DVMFallbackAllowed="FALSE">