Open the project

Open the application project in the Eclipse IDE for the Android platform.

  1. Import your project in Eclipse.
    1. In the Eclipse IDE, select File >> Import.
    2. Select Import source Android/Existing Android Code Into Workspace.
    3. Browse and find the GWC hybrid mode application.
    4. Click Finish.
  2. Launch the application in an emulator.
    1. Folow the steps included in the chapter Running on a device on the Android Developer web portal, at
    2. Click the Build button.
    3. For the application type, select Android Application.

      If there is an existing AVD configured into the Android Virtual Devices Manager, it will load the application.

  3. Modify the main class to run the application on the USB-connected device or the emulator with or without a settings pane.
  4. Launch the application in a connected device.
    1. Folow the steps included in the chapter Running on a device on the Android Developer web portal, at
    2. Add the android:debuggable tag in the application element of the AndroidManifest.xml file.
          android:label="@string/app_name" > 
    3. Plug in your USB device.

      If there is an existing AVD configured into the Android Virtual Devices Manager, it will load the application.

  5. Compile.

    Compilation is performed by ANT and launched by the Eclipse IDE.

    1. Open the Eclipse IDE.
    2. Select the project folder.
    3. Click the Build button.
    4. For the application type, select Android Application.

      Eclipse will choose the first AVD in the list and launch the emulator with the AVD configuration. For more details, visit