Retrieve identity attributes with OpenID SSO

Follow these steps to retrieve additional attributes about your identity when authenticating to an OpenID provider.

Identify which identity attributes to retrieve. The list of attributes depends on the attribute exchange protocol supported by the OpenID provider. The Genero OpenID implementation automatically detects which attribute exchange protocol is supported.
There are two kinds of attribute exchange protocols:
  • OpenID Simple Registration Extension (default for Genero)
  • OpenID Attribute Exchange (used if default is not available)
    • Specifications
    • List of attributes are specific to an OpenID provider and must be mapped to a single name in the configuration file of the Genero OpenID implementation.

Complete this procedure to retrieve additional attributes about your identity when authenticating to an OpenID provider. For example, you can retrieve the email, full name, or country of the user.

  1. Add an ATTRIBUTES element as a child of the OpenID DELEGATE element in the application configuration (xcf) file. Provide a comma-separated list of OpenID attributes within the ATTRIBUTES tag.

    In this example, the email, fullname, and country attributes are specified.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc"
        <DELEGATE service="services/OpenIDServiceProvider">
  2. To retrieve the OpenID attributes in your Genero application, add a fgl_getenv() call for each attribute specified in the XCF file with a prefix of OPENID_.
    LET email = fgl_getenv(“OPENID_email”)
    LET fullname = fgl_getenv(“OPENID_fullname”)
    LET country = fgl_getenv(“OPENID_country”)
The Genero application retrieves the requested identity attributes.