Step 2: Customize the layout

Add a logo to the application header and add some text to the application footer.

Add a logo to the application header

The HTML5 theme has a snippet that creates the header for a GWC for HTML5 application: $FGLASDIR/tpl/SetHtml5/Header.xhtml. Replace this header with a custom header specifically for this application.
  1. Create a copy of the default Header.xhtml snippet file and place it in the application's template directory ($(application.path)/../tpl)
  2. Specify the custom header file in the application's configuration file.
      <SNIPPET Id="Header">$(application.path)/../tpl/Header.xhtml</SNIPPET>
  3. Tell the Genero Application Server where to find the logo file.
    <PATH Id="SetHtml5" Type="APPSERVER"
      ExtensionFilter="$(res.web.extensions);.less;.svg" DVMFallbackAllowed="FALSE">
  4. Replace the page title:
      data-g-layout-item='"row": 0, "column": 0, "isXSpacer": true'           
      data-g-layout-policy='"minWidth": 0'
    >Genero HTML5 Web Client</h1> 
    with an image:
      data-g-layout-item='"row": 0, "column": 0, "isXSpacer": true'           
      data-g-layout-policy='"minWidth": 0'
    ><img alt="My Company logo" style="height:48px"
      gwc:attributes="src resourceuri('card-logo.png','SetHtml5')"/></h1> 

After this modification, the application text header is replaced by an image. The image height is specified to set a place holder for the image. The image url is retrieved with template function resourceuri from the resource identified by <PATH Id="SetHtml5" ...>

Add text to the application footer

The HTML5 theme has a snippet that creates the footer for a GWC for HTML5 application: $FGLASDIR/tpl/SetHtml5/Footer.xhtml. Replace this header with a custom footer specifically for this application.
  1. Create a copy of the default Footer.xhtml snippet file and place it in the application's template directory ($(application.path)/../tpl)
  2. Specify the custom footer file in the application's configuration file.
      <SNIPPET Id="Footer">$(application.path)/../tpl/Footer.xhtml</SNIPPET>
  3. In your custom footer, replace the placeholder:
    Change your footer content
    with a link that starts an email message to a specified email address.
    <p>For any issues or comments please contact 
    <a href=""></a></p> 
Solutions for this step of the tutorial can be found in the project HTML5ClientTutorialStep2.4pw.