
There are limitations to what the HTML5 theme supports.

Touch devices

There is no support for Drag-and-Drop (DnD) or multi-selection on touch devices.


Some layout-related attributes are not honored:


Some complex 4st styles combination are not properly supported. The 4st styles use some inheritance rules that counter the "smart inheritance" rules of CSS/HTML. As a result, if you are using 4st styles and wish to avoid some unexpected side effects, it is recommended that you minimize smart inheritance by explicitly setting the 4st rules on the elements themselves. Also, consider that GWC for HTML5 transforms the 4st styles into CSS. If you wish to use smart inheritance, or simply to avoid any unexpected side effects of the Genero style transformations, you can use CSS directly and rely on the CSS/HTML inheritance.

The class order of the .per STYLE attribute is not significant. By default, with the GDC, the first class that defines the style wins.

Form Items

  • TABLE:
    1. WIDTH attribute per COLUMNS unit is not supported.
    2. In a table container using DISPLAY ARRAY, a single row can be copied and pasted with keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Cell contents, multi-row and column copy and paste functionality is not supported.
  • TEXTEDIT: does not support a maxLength.
  • TOPMENU: Shortcut labels, as defined by the acceleratorName attribute, do not display.
  • RICHTEXT: UPSHIFT attribute is not supported.
  • Old widgets (WIDGET="WIDGET", aka RIP widgets) are not supported: Rectangle, RipBMP, RipButton, RipCheck, RipCombo, RipFieldBMP, RipGraphic, RipLabel, RipRadio. A semi-transparent red box is rendered instead of the widget to indicate it is not supported.


  • StartMenu: only the “tree” and “menu” versions are supported.
  • TopMenu: Shortcut labels, as defined by the acceleratorName attribute, do not display.
  • Context menu