Layout item elements

Layout items are the immediate HTML children of the layout container whom they belong to. They are responsible for the layout of their part of the container. All children of a container are layout items.

The data-g-layout-item attribute

Table 1. Properties of the data-g-layout-item attribute
Property Default Value Description
row 0 The logical row of the container the item belongs to.
column 0 The logical column of the container the item belongs to.
rowSpan 1 The number of rows the item spans over.
columnSpan 1 The number of columns the item spans over.
isEmpty false A value indicating whether the item is an empty cell.
isXSpacer false A value indicating whether the item should get as much horizontal space as available if there is no horizontally-aligned sibling item that has an asterisk (*) value.

See the example in How to specify desired sizes.

isYSpacer false A value indicating whether the item should get as much vertical space as available if there is no vertically-aligned sibling item that has an asterisk (*) value.

See the example in How to specify desired sizes.

isGhost false If set to true, ghost items are not empty items, but do not have a minimal width and height.