gwc.componentSet.main (the main component)

The Client-Side Framework has a special component named main (gwc.componentSet.main).

The main component is bound to the <body> element and is considered the root of the Genero Web Client application. The component is located in csf.js to prevent it from modifications.

The main component handles the following features:
Table 1. Noteworthy APIs exported by the main component
API Description
gwc.api.getGwcRootElement Get the root element of the Genero Web Client application in the HTML page.
gwc.api.getActiveComponent Get the active component.
gwc.api.title Get the title of the application.
gwc.api.restoreServerFocus Restore the UI focus to the element that should have it in a DVM point of view.
gwc.api.riseClientError Display a Client-Side Framework error message at the top of the browser window.
Note: While this documentation will highlight some of the APIs of the Client-Side Framework (CSF), it does not attempt to explain all of the APIs. The complete API reference is contained in the JavaScriptâ„¢ code and can be extracted using the JsDoc Toolkit.