The Document object

Path: document

The document is a unique object that represents the HTML document that is currently rendered.

Fields Type Description
url Attribute (string) Specifies the URL of the next document to get. Used to set the action attribute of a form HTML tag.
dialog Attribute (string) Describes the JavaScriptâ„¢ structure handling 4GL dialog structure used by smart JavaScript framework.
components Attribute (string) A string describing a JavaScript structure used by smart JavaScript framework.
marks Attribute (string) A string describing a JavaScript structure used by smart JavaScript framework.
errors Attribute (string) A string containing all errors handled by the Rendering Engine during the current page computation (snippet parsing, expression parsing, expression evaluation, and so on).
uploadUrl Attribute (string)

A URL to send the files to upload.

Example: Usage in a FORM tag in snippet FileUpload.xhtml for Set1.

 gwc:attributes="action document/UploadUrl
 ..." >
auiUrl Attribute (string)

A URL to retrieve the Abstract User Interface tree.

Example: Display the AUI tree in a new window

 gwc:attributes="href document/auiUrl" 
sessionId Attribute (string) The session identifier
logfileUrl Attribute (string)

A URL to retrieve the log file of the current session.

Example: Display the log file in a new window

 gwc:attributes="href document/logfileUrl"
request Object A request object handling the request sent by the Web browser.