GWC Template Language Reference / Template Paths - Application hierarchy |
Path: application/meta/filetransfer/file[index]
The File object is a handled by the files and currentfiles collections from FileTransfers object. It describes one transfered file.
Fields | Type | Description |
url | Attribute (string) | URL to retrieve the file from the GAS file transfer directory. |
name | Attribute (string) | Name of the file. |
size | Attribute (number) | Size of the file in byte. |
isCurrent | Attribute (boolean) | True if the file is part of the current file transfer process. |
Excerpt from FileTransfer.xhtml in $FGLASDIR/tpl/common:
<div gwc:condition="application/meta/fileTransfer/currentFiles/length"> <p>Current files:</p> <fieldset> <gwc:dummy gwc:omit-tag="true" gwc:repeat="file application/meta/fileTransfer/currentfiles"> <a gwc:attributes="href file/URL" gwc:content="file/name + ' (' + precision( (file/size) / 1024 , 2 ) + 'Kb)'" target="iframeTarget"/><br/> </gwc:dummy> </fieldset> </div>
Displays the list of files transferred from the previous 4GL action.