The File object

Path: application/meta/filetransfer/file[index]

The File object is a handled by the files and currentfiles collections from FileTransfers object. It describes one transfered file.

Fields Type Description
url Attribute (string) URL to retrieve the file from the GAS file transfer directory.
name Attribute (string) Name of the file.
size Attribute (number) Size of the file in byte.
isCurrent Attribute (boolean) True if the file is part of the current file transfer process.

Excerpt from FileTransfer.xhtml in $FGLASDIR/tpl/common:

<div gwc:condition="application/meta/fileTransfer/currentFiles/length">
  <p>Current files:</p>
    <gwc:dummy gwc:omit-tag="true" 
     gwc:repeat="file application/meta/fileTransfer/currentfiles">
      <a gwc:attributes="href file/URL" 
       gwc:content="file/name + ' (' + precision( (file/size) / 1024 , 2 )
 + 'Kb)'" target="iframeTarget"/><br/>

Displays the list of files transferred from the previous 4GL action.