Template Instructions

Element Instructions

Table 1. Template instructions: Element instructions
GWC Template Instruction Description
gwc:snippet-root Delimit a snippet.

Attribute Instructions

Table 2. Template instructions: Attribute instructions
GWC Template Instruction Description
gwc:define Define a variable to be used in the current tag or the children tags.
gwc:condition Test the condition.
gwc:repeat This instruction repeats the tag itself.
gwc:replace Replace the entire tag.
gwc:attributes Dynamically change an attribute of the current HTML tag.
gwc:content Replace the text between the tags.
Suppress the surrounding tag after instructions in the children tags have been processed.
Associate custom data to the element

With Genero Web Client instructions, as with XML, you can write attributes in any order. The processing of instructions, however, is interpreted in the order listed in Table 2, from the highest priority to the lowest. For example, once gwc:replace has been executed, there is no material to achieve the gwc:content processing.