Type Ahead Best Practices

It is recommended that you adapt your application to allow for Type Ahead best practices if the network you're using is known to be slow

The following situations are known to break the type ahead mechanism:

The Type Ahead best practices is to minimize these situations. If you do not, your application will still work correctly and data integrity preserved; the drawback will be a weak end user experience if there are too many rollbacks.

This mechanism differs from the one implemented in Genero Desktop Client. With the Genero Desktop Client, the User Interface is blocked (there will be the sand glass cursor), but all key events are buffered and replayed when the runtime is in interactive mode. This provides a rollback-less system (even in case of RUN), but due to browser limitations it cannot be adapted to Genero Web Client.

The Genero Web Client Type Ahead mechanism is more adapted to web forms. The user interface is not blocked as for any web forms. When a sequence errors is detected, the rollback system is applied (see Type Ahead workflows).