The gasadmin command

The gasadmin tool is provided as an administrative command for the Genero Application Server (GAS).

With this tool, you can: See the Usage Examples.


gasadmin [options]

Syntax with reset-log command

The reset-log command reconfigures the logs for one or more sessions. Options are described in Table 2. This feature was added in the version 2.50 (MR) maintenance release.
gasadmin reset-log [options ] [session-id ...]


Table 1. gasadmin options
Option Description



Display version information.



Display help information.

-p directory

--as-directory directory

Specify the Genero Application Server directory.

-f configuration-file

--configuration-file configuration-file

Specify configuration file to use. If not specified, the default configuration file, $FGLASDIR/etc/as.xcf, is used.

-E value


Define or overwrite a resource.



Check the configuration file and exits.

-d dispatcher-name

--dispatcher dispatcher-name

Used by session-related options to select the target dispatcher.



Explode the configuration file into files, one for each application.



Expand resources. Used with --configuration-explode or --configuration-explode-external.



Explodes the given external configuration on current directory.


-K -d dispatcher-name


--kill-all-sessions --dispatcher dispatcher-name

Kill all sessions of the specified dispatcher. Terminates the active sessions by requesting each proxy to stop.
Note: The option -d <dispatcher_name> is optional. If omitted, the option kills all sessions of all dispatchers.

-k session-id -d dispatcher-name

--kill-session session-id --dispatcher dispatcher-name

Terminate (kill) the requested session id of the specified dispatcher.
Note: The option -d <dispatcher_name> is required, as the same session identifier can exist for the various dispatchers.


-X -d dispatcher-name


--ping-all-sessions --dispatcher dispatcher-name

Ping all active sessions of the specified dispatcher.
Note: The option -d <dispatcher_name> is optional. If omitted, the option pings all active sessions of all dispatchers.

-x session-id

--ping-session session-id

Ping the request session id.
Note: The option -d <dispatcher_name> is required, as the same session identifier can exist for the various dispatchers.

-x session-id -d dispatcher-name

--ping-session session-id --dispatcher dispatcher-name

Ping the request session id of the specified dispatcher.


-l -d dispatcher-name


--list-sessions --dispatcher dispatcher-name

List all sessions of the specified dispatcher.
Note: The option -d <dispatcher_name> is optional. If omitted, the option lists all sessions of all dispatchers.

--dispatcher dispatcher-name

--monitor session-id

Retrieve monitor information for a session. Information is displayed in XML format on the standard output. See Usage Examples.
Note: Monitor feature was added in 2.50 maintenance release.

-z paths

--compress-resources paths
Compress the resources located in specified paths. The path separator is a comma (,).
Table 2. gasadmin reset-log options
Option Description


Displays help for the reset-log command.


Operates in silent mode
-p directory_name

--as-directory directory_name

Specify the Genero Application Server directory.
-f configuration-file


Specify the configuration file to use. If not specified, the default configuration file, FGLASDIR/etc/as.xcf, is used.

-E resource_name=value

--resource-overwrite resource_name=value

Define or overwrite a resource.

-d dispatcher-name

--dispatcher dispatcher_name

Target the dispatcher - used by session-related options to select the target dispatcher.

--output-type <arg>

Log type (CONSOLE or DAILYFILE), default is DAILYFILE.

--output-path <arg>   

Log output directory for DAILYFILE, default is the current directory.

--raw-data-max-length <arg>

Data max length, default is -1.

--format <arg>   

Log format, columns to output, the default is: time event-type event-params.

--categories <arg>

Log categories to enable, the default is: GAS ACCESS PROCESS ERROR
Note: The reset-log feature is not enabled with java-j2eedispatch, as it does not store sessions on disk.

Usage Examples

gasadmin -t demo/Card

Explode external configuration file demo/Card.xcf.

gasadmin -r -t demo/Card

Explode external configuration file demo/Card.xcf and expand the resources.

gasadmin -X -f as1.xcf -d httpdispatch

List all sessions having as1.xcf as configuration file for dispatcher httpdispatch.

gasadmin -k d98290172c8f7c0d861db329f1ce6597 -f as1.xcf -d isapidispatch

Kill the session having as1.xcf as its configuration file, d98290172c8f7c0d861db329f1ce6597 as its session number and isapidispatch as its dispatcher name .

gasadmin -z $FGLASDIR/app,$FGLASDIR/services,$FGLASDIR/web,$FGLASDIR/tpl

Compress the resources located in the paths $FGLASDIR/app, $FGLASDIR/services, $FGLASDIR/web and $FGLASDIR/tpl.

gasadmin --dispatcher <dispatcher> --monitor <session-id>
This example shows how to use the --monitor option to retrieve information to monitor a specified session. Information on the current status of the dispatcher is sent to the standard output in XML format during the session. The -d or --dispatcher option is required to specify the dispatcher.
gasadmin reset-log --output-type CONSOLE --categories "ALL DEBUG" 1170f560ca4d03fd3aa4bbac75da97e9 
This example shows how to use the gasadmin reset-log command to reconfigure the logs. It uses options for --ouput type and --categories. The output type effects where the logs are sent, either the console or the daily log file (DAILYFILE). The categories effects the type of logs output. These changes only effect the specified session.
Tip: You can specify multiple sessions by listing the session ids, separated by spaces.

If an option (for example, --output_path) is not specified, gasadmin tries to use the LOG configuration from the as.xcf. If not found in the as.xcf (for example, CONSOLE may not be configured in as.xcf), default values are used.