Service Principal Name (SPN) Configuration

List, add or remove SPN is done through setspn.exe.

We want to add an SPN gassvc/ on Myuser user account, we need to set two SPNs to respect the compatibility with older Windows™ that use NETBIOS name:

Commands to set these SPNs:

>setspn -A gassvc/ STRASBOURG\Myuser
Registering ServicePrincipalNames for CN=Myuser,CN=Users,DC=intranet,
Updated object

>setspn -A gassvc/GASSERVER STRASBOURG\Myuser
Registering ServicePrincipalNames for CN=Myuser,CN=Users,DC=intranet,
Updated object

Command to list SPN:

>setspn -L Myuser
Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=Myuser,CN=Users,DC=intranet,

Important: Never put the same SPN on different accounts. That will break the Kerberos mechanism.

Example of SPN usage

Diagram of SPN usage

Figure 1. SPN Usage