The project skeleton: source files and components used by the GWC hybrid mode for
The GWC hybrid mode provides a project ready to be built
and deployed. This project is known as the skeleton.
The GWC hybrid mode for Android uses these files and components, found in
- assets: includes files used by the application (pictures, movies)
- libs: additional libraries imported in the android project
- res: Directory that includes resource files used by the application:
- drawable-hdpi: Directory that includes pictures in high resolution.
- drawable-ldpi: Directory that includes pictures in low resolution.
- drawable-mdpi: Directory that includes pictures in middle resolution.
- drawable-xhdpi: Directory that includes pictures in extra high resolution.
- layout: Directory that includes graphical interfaces XML files.
- values: Directory that includes localization files for the default language
- values-fr: Directory that includes localization files for the French language.
- xml: Directory that includes resources XML files.
- src: Directory (and subdirectories) that includes GHC application sources java
- AndroidManifest.xml: Default configuration file.
- Automated build system configuration file.
For more details, visit Managing Projects on the Android Developer web portal.