Set the application icon

Set the icon for your GWC hybrid mode application for Android

Default icons are provided acriss the directories $FGLASDIR/ghc/android/res/drawable-*, with each directory containing an icon file named ic_hybrid_genero_app.png. You can create your own logo file and save in these same directories (within your working copy of the skeleton files, of course). If you save your logos under a different name, you must modify the logo references in the resource files to use your new names.

Launcher icons should be 32-bit PNGs with an alpha channel for transparency. Table 1 displays the finished launcher icon dimensions corresponding to a given generalized screen density.

Table 1. Icon rules for a GWC hybrid mode application on Android
Generalized screen density Size (in pixels)
ldpi (120 dpi) 36 x 36
mdpi (160 dpi) 48 x 48
hdpi (240 dpi) 72 x 72
xhdpi (320 dpi) 96 x 96

For more information, see the Launcher Icons topic on the Android Developer web portal.