
The dispatchers route the requests bound for the Genero Application Server (GAS).

Previously, a connector sat between the Web server and the GAS, and this connector was responsible for routing requests from the Web server to the GAS. The current architecture no longer uses connectors; it is the GAS dispatchers embedded in the Web server that routes the requests to the GAS.

There are three types of dispatchers: FastCGI, ISAPI and Java™ servlet. While they use different technologies, they all play the same role. The ISAPI connector is only available on Windows™ platforms.

When you install the GAS, you specify the path or url that is used to reach the dispatcher. By default, it is /gas for isapi and fastcgi, for example.

While not likely to be necessary (due to the ability to multi-thread within the Genero Application Server), several Genero Application Servers can be added for a single Web server.