This element specifies the theme (set of templates) that the application or set of applications can use.

A theme component defines the theme that an application or set of applications can use. A theme is made up of one main template and multiple template snippets that will drive the rendering of snippet-based rendering engine (SBRE) components. The same snippet identifier can appear more than one time, but each one must be associated with an unique style name, so that each template snippet is uniquely identified by the identifier/style couple. If no template snippet exists for the specified style, the default one is used.

For more information on how templates are used by the Front End clients, refer to How Templates Work.

The WEB_APPLICATION_THEME_COMPONENT element specifies the theme (set of templates) that the application or set of applications can use. It takes an attribute Id, which specifies the unique identifier for this Template component. It is this unique identifier that is referenced by a Web application to make accessible the list of templates defined therein.


   [ <BOOTSTRAP Id="_default" > bootstrapPath </BOOTSTRAP > ]
   [ <TEMPLATE Id="_default" > templatePath </TEMPLATE > ]  
   [ <SHORTCUT Id="_default" > shortcutPath </SHORTCUT > ]  
   [ <SNIPPET Id="snipId" [ Style="stylename" ] > snippath </SNIPPET> ]  [...] 

Child elements

The WEB_APPLICATION_THEME_COMPONENT may contain the following elements:

  1. Zero or one BOOTSTRAP element.

  2. Zero or one TEMPLATE element.

  3. Zero or one SHORTCUT element.

  4. Zero or more SNIPPET elements.


<WEB_APPLICATION_THEME_COMPONENT Id="cpn.theme.html5.gwc">
  <BOOTSTRAP Id="_default">$(res.path.tpl.html5)/bootstrap.xhtml</BOOTSTRAP>
  <TEMPLATE Id="_default">$(res.path.tpl.html5)/main.xhtml</TEMPLATE>
  <SNIPPET Id="UIFrame">$(res.path.tpl.html5)/UIFrame.xhtml</SNIPPET> 