Genero Application Server configuration

The Genero Application Server is configured through a configuration file. The default configuration file is as.xcf, located in the $FGLASDIR/etc directory.

To create a new Genero Application Server configuration file, create a copy of the default and make modifications in the copy. Use the -f option to specify which configuration file to use when starting the Genero Application Server. If you do not specify a specific file, the default (as.xcf) is used.

The configuration file is written using XML. The document consists of elements, the boundaries of which are either delimited by start-tags and end-tags, or, for empty elements, by an empty-element tag. Each element has a type, identified by name, sometimes called its "generic identifier" (GI), and may have a set of attributes. Each attribute specification has a name and a value.

The root element in the Application Server configuration file is the CONFIGURATION element. A configuration file will have one CONFIGURATION element which serves as the global configuration element. There are no attributes available for the CONFIGURATION element.

The CONFIGURATION element contains a single child element, the APPLICATION_SERVER element. The Application Server configuration starts with this element.

When you make a change to the GAS configuration file, you must restart the dispatcher before the changes are taken into account. Depending on the dispatcher, you may or may not have the applications (e.g. proxies) stopped; some of the dispatchers can recover the application after the restart and continue where the application left off. For more information on restarting the GAS dispatcher, refer to the dispatcher-specific help topics: