Creating Abstract Applications

To simplify application configuration, an application can specify a parent application to provides default configuration settings needed to run the application. An abstract application is an application that is created not as an executable, but to be a parent providing configuration defaults for executable applications. You should create your own abstract application and use it as the parent for a set of programs that share common configurations.

Tip: If you use this inheritance mechanism efficiently, you can configure new applications with only a few entries in a configuration file.

To specify an abstract application, set the Abstract attribute to TRUE.

Important: Abstract applications can only be defined in the application server configuration file, they cannot be defined in an external application configuration file.

Example for Web applications

<APPLICATION Id="defaultwa" Abstract="TRUE">
 <EXECUTION Using="cpn.wa.execution.local"/>
   <MAP Id="DUA_GWC" Allowed="FALSE"/>
   <MAP Id="DUA_GDC" Allowed="FALSE"/>

In this example, DUA_GWC and DUA_GDC are OutputMap, which indicates the Front End used to display the application. No OutputMap is enabled as the attribute Allowed is set to FALSE.

Example for Web services applications

<APPLICATION Id="ws.default" Abstract="TRUE">
  <EXECUTION Using=""/>
  <TIMEOUT Using=""/>