Install FGLGWS on host

Follow this process to install Genero Business Development Language (BDL) with Web Services on the host machine running docker.

Before you begin: A prerequisite requires that the BDL installing path is not the same on both the host and the Docker container. Therefore, for example, instead of taking the default installation path option, which is /opt/fourjs/fgl, you specify the installation path as /opt/fourjs/fglgws-license on the host. For more information on Genero BDL installing, see the Install and License your Genero Products.

  1. At the point in the installation when you are prompted for the installation directory, type N and then press the Enter key.:
    For example:
    FGLDIR is set up to /opt/fourjs/fgl. You can choose it for installation directory 
    Do you want to use FGLDIR? Press [Y]es/[N]o/[C]ancel then (ENTER) ([Y]es is the default)  
  2. Specify the installation location:
    At the following prompt:
    "Where do you want to install this product? 
    Default value is /opt/fourjs/fgl : 
    Enter the path, for example:
What to do next:

License Genero BDL. At the point of the installation requesting license details, follow the instructions for the license key and number and enter the required information.