Building projects with IMPORT FGL

Use IMPORT FGL instead of linking.

IMPORT FGL instructs the fglcomp compiler and fglrun runtime system to load/check the specified modules.

When using only IMPORT FGL to define module dependency, there is no longer a need to link programs or use libraries.

With IMPORT FGL, the compiler can check the number of parameters and returning values in functions calls, and the autocompletion in source code editors is improved as it can suggest all imported symbols.

IMPORT FGL can be combined with the PACKAGE instruction, to organize source modules as a tree of module groups. See Organizing modules in packages for more details.

By default, the fglcomp compiler creates the .42m files in the current working directory, or beside the .4gl source files of modules imported via packages. Consider using the --output-dir option of fglcomp, if you want to create the .42m files in a different (runtime) directory as the current development directory. For more details, see Output directory for .42m pcode files.