Working with objects

This topic describes basic object usage in Genero BDL.

Instantiating objects

In order to instantiate an object in your program:

  1. Define an object variable using the class identifier.
  2. Instantiate the object; this is usually done by invoking a class method.

An object variable only contains a reference to the object. For example, when passed to a function, only the reference to the object is copied onto the stack.

In the following code example, the object referenced by the variable n is instantiated using the create() class method of the DomDocument class. The object referenced by the variable b is instantiated using the getDocumentElement() object method of the DomDocument class. This method returns the DomNode object that is the root node of the DomDocument object referenced by n:

DEFINE n om.DomDocument, b DomNode
LET n = om.DomDocument.create("Stock")
LET b = n.getDocumentElement()

Destroying objects

Objects created during program execution do not need to be explicitly destroyed. This is done automatically by the runtime system, based on a reference counter.
  DEFINE d om.DomDocument
  LET d = om.DomDocument.create("Stock")  -- Reference counter = 1
END MAIN  -- d is removed, reference counter = 0 => object is destroyed.
When an object is referenced by several variables, an internal counter is incremented and decremented:
  DEFINE d1, d2 om.DomDocument
  LET d1 = om.DomDocument.create("Stock")  -- Reference counter = 1
  LET d2 = d1                              -- Reference counter = 2
  LET d1 = NULL                            -- Reference counter = 1
  LET d2 = NULL                            -- Reference counter = 0, object is destroyed

Using object references within functions

Object references can be passed to and returned from functions.

In this example, the function creates the object and returns its reference on the stack:
  DEFINE x om.DomDocument
  LET x = createStockDomDocument()

FUNCTION createStockDomDocument()
  DEFINE d om.DomDocument
  LET d = om.DomDocument.create("Stock")  -- Reference counter = 1
END FUNCTION  -- Reference counter is still 1 because d is on the stack

Another part of the program can get the result of that function and pass it as a parameter to another function:

  DEFINE x om.DomDocument
  LET x = createStockDomDocument()
  CALL writeStockDomDocument( x )

FUNCTION createStockDomDocument()
  DEFINE d  om.DomDocument
  LET d = om.DomDocument.create("Stock")

FUNCTION writeStockDomDocument( d )
  DEFINE d  om.DomDocument
  DEFINE r om.DomNode
  LET r = d.getDocumentElement()
  CALL r.writeXml("Stock.xml")

Invoking class and object methods

Class methods must be invoked with the package and class name:
DEFINE d  om.DomDocument
LET d = om.DomDocument.create("Stock")
Object methods are invoked with the variable referencing the object:
DEFINE ch base.Channel
LET ch = base.Channel.create()
CALL ch.openFile("myfile.txt","r")
If a method returns an object reference, it can be directly used to invoke another method of the returned object:
LET s = "ABC"
DISPLAY s.subString(1,2).toLowerCase()