Oracle MySQL / MariaDB

Supported versions

Genero BDL supports the following Oracle® MySQL versions:
  • Oracle MySQL 8.0 LTS with dbmmys_8_0
  • Oracle MySQL 8.4 LTS with dbmmys_8_4

    The MySQL 8.2 and 8.3 versions are Innovation Releases (IR), while MySQL versions 8.0 and 8.4 are Long-Term Support releases (LTS). The dbmmys_8_2 driver provided in previous Genero versions has been desupported in favor to MySQL 8.4 with the new dbmmys_8_4 ODI driver, requiring If you need to access a MySQL 8.2 or 8.3 server, install MySQL Connector client with and use the dbmmys_8_4 ODI driver.

Genero BDL supports the following MariaDB versions:
  • MariaDB 10.2+ and 11 with dbmmdb_10_2