Language limitations

Genero language features not supported or with limited support on GWA.


This topic is provided as a reference for Genero Business Development Language limitations in GWA applications.

Features with limited support

You can embed a Genero application as web application with the following constraints:

Table 1. Limited support
Feature Comment
Web services using the RESTful Web services (high-level framework) are supported. When using fglrestful to generate REST stub files:
  • Only the JSON API The util.JSON class is supported. Therefore, you must use option --legacyJSONApi of the fglrestful tool.
  • Only requests with JSON or plain text are supported.
  • For XML handling, use the om.DomDocument API.
Web Services using the SOAP protocol are not supported. No additional information.
GWS REST low-level API is partially supported. The GWA supports a minimum subset of Genero APIs for creating web services. The COM API used is based on the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest (external link) object (excluding the specific XML API).
RUN cmd and RUN cmd WITHOUT WAITING instructions are supported. The RUN "fglrun program" (GUI only) without OS shell underneath is under construction.
Database support. Only the SQLite database is supported at this time.
Some methods in the The Channel class are not fully working.

In the The Channel class, the following socket and pipe methods are not supported and will return an error:

The base.Channel.openFile is supported

Unsupported features

The following language features are not supported:

  • All the XML classes in the The xml package (referenced with IMPORT xml), including the The Encryption class, are not supported.

    For XML handling, use the om.DomDocument API.

  • The security classes in the The security package (referenced with IMPORT security) are not supported.
  • The JSON streaming classes in the The json package (reference with IMPORT json) are not supported.