The report prototype

When defining a report routine, the report name must immediately follow the REPORT keyword. The name must be unique among function and report names within the program. Its scope is the entire program.

The list of formal arguments of the report must be enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. These are local variables that store values that the calling routine passes to the report.

When you call a report, the formal arguments are assigned values from the argument list of the OUTPUT TO REPORT statement. These actual arguments that you pass must match, in number and position, the formal arguments of the REPORT routine. The data types must be compatible, but they need not be identical. The runtime system can perform some conversions between compatible data types.

The names of the actual arguments and the formal arguments do not have to match.

You must include the following items in the list of formal arguments:
  • All the values for each row sent to the report in the following cases:
    • If you include an ORDER BY section or GROUP PERCENT(*) function
    • If you use a global aggregate function (one over all rows of the report) anywhere in the report, except in the ON LAST ROW control block
    • If you specify the FORMAT EVERY ROW default format
  • Any variables referenced in the following group control blocks: