Configure for the client certificate

Configure your application to use the client certificate generated. For production systems, you add the configuration details to your FGLPROFILE file.

You have generated a client certificate as described in Create the client certificate.

In this task you add the certificate information to your FGLPROFILE file.

Add the client's security configuration to your FGLPROFILE file.

The client security entry defines the certificate and the associated private key used by the Genero Web Services client during an HTTPS communication. The security entry must be defined with an unique identifier (id1 in this example).

security.id1.certificate = "MyClient.crt"
security.id1.privatekey  = "MyClient.pem"

If the private key is protected with a password, the password must be removed using the OpenSSL command. For example,

$ openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out MyServer.pem
You are prompted for the passphrase. The unprotected private key is output in MyServer.pem.

Your applications are configured to use the client certificate.

What to do next

Create the client's certificate authority list and configure the global certificate authority list ( in your FGLPROFILE file. See Configure for the certificate authority list.