Compile and run the service

Compile and execute a REST Web Services server in direct mode.

When the server starts, it listens on the port specified by FGLAPPSERVER.

  1. Compile the server application.
    fglcomp wsserver.4gl

    fglcomp also compiles the imported module and creates wsserver.42m and myservice.42m.

  2. Start the Genero RESTful Web Service server.
    Use the fglrun command to execute the web service server application.
    fglrun wsserver.42m
    The server starts. Output is written to stdout (and stderr when FGLWSDEBUG is set). As the server processes requests, the GWS outputs the WS debug information:
    WS-DEBUG (Security Info)
    OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020
    WS-DEBUG (Security Warning)
    Crypto library wasn't compiled with support of ZLIB compression.
    WS-DEBUG (Security Warning)
    SSL library wasn't compiled with support of RLE compression.
    SSL library wasn't able to initiate the ZLIB compression library.
    Server started