How to create a SOAP WSSecurityUserName token

Creating a WSSecurityUserName token requires you to generate a client stub using the --domHandler option and using methods from the securityHelper module to create a WSSecurityUserName token.

Creating the client stub

Use the -domHandler option when creating a client stub with fglwsdl.

Code your application

You will use two functions contained in the securityHelper module. In your module source, add
IMPORT FGL securityHelper
to access these functions.

The source module used to create the p-code module for securityHelper can be found at: $FGLDIR/demo/WebServices/wssecuritymessage/common/securityHelper.4gl. Reference this file to get full specifics regarding these two functions.

In the request callback, create the WSSecurity header using BuildSOAP11WSSecurity(). You pass the header node coming from the callback; it returns the Web Service Security node that is automatically added as a child of the SOAP header.

Create the WSUserName token using BuildWSSUsernameToken(). You pass the node returned by BuildSOAP11WSSecurity() in the previous step, along with a unique identifier to reference that token, a username and password, a unique nonce value, and the date the timestamp was created; it returns the WS-UsernameToken node. The token node is automatically added as child of the WSSecurity header.

Return TRUE from the callback function to inform GWS to continue the standard process. GWS will sent the SOAP request with the WSSecurity header inside.


This example is a simple example of how to create a SOAP WSSecurityUserName token. Values would be required to replace the variable placeholders <my-username>,<my-password>,<unique-nonce-value>,<date-timestamp-created> in this example.

For a more complex example, examine the wssecuritymessage demo located at $FGLDIR/demo/WebServices/wssecuritymessage/.

IMPORT FGL securityHelper


FUNCTION MyService_HandleRequest(operation,doc,header,body)
  DEFINE operation STRING          -- Operation name of the request to be modified.
  DEFINE doc       xml.DomDocument -- Entire XML document of the request
  DEFINE header    xml.DomNode     -- XML node of the SOAP header of the request
  DEFINE body      xml.DomNode     -- XML node of the SOAP body of the request
  DEFINE wss       xml.DomNode
  DEFINE node      xml.DomNode
  DEFINE id        STRING

  LET wss = BuildSOAP11WSSecurity(header,TRUE)
  LET id = SFMT("UsernameToken-%1",security.RandomGenerator.CreateRandomString(8))
  LET node = BuildWSSUsernameToken(wss,id,"<my-username>","<my-password>",