This allows you to change the access mode for all operations of the REST Web service. There are three version modes
you can choose: uri, header, and query.
In the example, the WSVersionMode is set to "query". This defines the version mode
for the whole Web service.
WSVersionMode = "query")
title STRING
# ...
Default version mode (URI)
If WSVersionMode is not set or set to "uri", the GWS handles versioning
transparently for the client. It adds the version to the resource path. In the generation of the OpenAPI description of
the service, the GWS prefixes the version in the resource path. Figure 1 shows the version in the path of a
service with one resource. Figure 2
shows the version in the path of a service with many resources.Figure: Version mode uri ( service with one resource) Figure: Version mode uri (service with many resources)
Query mode
If WSVersionMode is set to "query" mode, the GWS adds the query parameter
"api-version" to the OpenAPI description of operations of the service. The client will need to set the
query parameter to the version. The version will be available in the OpenAPI description of the service. It is set by
the enum keyword. In calls to the resource, the GWS adds the query string to the URI, for example
"?api-version=v3". Figure: Version mode query
Header mode
If WSVersionMode is set to "header", the GWS adds the header parameter
"api-version". The client will need to set the header for the version in calls to the resource. The
version will be available in the OpenAPI description of the service. It is set by the enum keyword.
Figure: Version mode header