The FGLPROFILE file(s) FGLPROFILE environment variable defines Genero BDL configuration files Understanding FGLPROFILEThe runtime system uses one or more configuration files in which you can define options and parameters to change the behavior of the programs.Syntax of FGLPROFILE entriesThe syntax of FGLPROFILE entries is in the key = value form.FGLPROFILE entries for core languageThis is a summary of FGLPROFILE entries supported by the core BDL.FGLPROFILE files selectionWhen multiple FGLPROFILE files can be selected, the runtime system applies an order of precedence.FGLPROFILE encodingThe encoding of the FGLPROFILE files must match the runtime system locale.The default FGLPROFILEThe Genero BDL package ships a default FGLPROFILE file as $FGLDIR/etc/fglprofile.FGLPROFILE for mobile appsThe name of the FGLPROFILE file matters for mobile applications.Reading FGLPROFILE entriesEntries of FGLPROFILE files can be read by program.