The fglgallery web component

The fglgallery built-in web component implements a picture gallery, to let the end user select pictures and photos.

The fglgallery built-in web component is a gICAPI web component.

Several rendering modes are supported: Mosaic, List and Thumbnails for basic rendering.

Figure: fglgallery web component

Screenshot of a program using the fglgallery web component

Defining the fglgallery web component in the form file

In your .per form definition file, define the image gallery as a WEBCOMPONENT form item with the COMPONENTTYPE attribute set to the "fglgallery" value.

As the image gallery implements its own navigation controls or scrollbars, the SCROLLBARS attribute can be set to NONE.

Use SIZEPOLICY=FIXED and STRETCH=BOTH, to get an image gallery that resizes with the parent window.

For example:

[ig                     ]
[                       ]
[                       ]
         COMPONENTTYPE = "fglgallery",
         STRETCH = BOTH;

Introducing the fglgallery.4gl library

The fglgallery.4gl module implements a set of functions to control an fglgallery web component.

The source can be found in $FGLDIR/src/webcomponents/fglgallery.

Customizing the image gallery

The HTML elements created by fglgallery can be customized with CSS styling.

Default CSS styles for fglgallery are provided in $FGLDIR/webcomponents/fglgallery/css/fglgallery.css.

Overwrite or define new style attributes for each fglgallery element type, in a secondary file named $FGLDIR/webcomponents/fglgallery/css/fglgallery-custom.css, and uncomment the link in $FGLDIR/webcomponents/fglgallery/fglgallery.html to load this custom CSS file after fglgallery.css.

For example, to define a background color for the list display mode, add the following lines in fglgallery-custom.css:

.list-main {
    background-color: black;

Do not modify the default CSS styles in fglgallery.css: This file will be overwritten by a new installation. Use the fglgallery-custom.css file name instead.

fglgallery library initialization and finalization

Library initialization and finalization functions are provided to prepare the library before usage, and free resources when the library is not longer needed:
CALL fglgallery.initialize()
CALL fglgallery.finalize()

For more details see the initialize() and finalize() functions.

Creating and destroying an image gallery handle

Before using the image gallery web component, you must create a handle with the create() function:
LET id = fglgallery.create("formonly.gallery_wc")

The create() function takes the WEBCOMPONENT form item name as parameter, and returns the id of the image gallery handle. The image gallery id will be used in subsequent library calls. This technique allows for the manipulation of several image gallery items in the same form, and the use of the library by different callers.

When the image gallery web component is no longer used, destroy the handle with the destroy() function:
CALL fglgallery.destroy(id)

The fglgallery.t_struct_value type

The fglgallery library provides a user-type to define a variable that will be used to send and receive data from the image gallery web component.

The fglgallery.t_struct_value type is a RECORD structure, that holds image selection information:
PUBLIC TYPE t_struct_value RECORD
                 current INTEGER,
                 selected DYNAMIC ARRAY OF INTEGER
             END RECORD

In this structure, each picture is identified by its ordinal position in the image gallery.

Data type for the fglgallery WEBCOMPONENT field

The fglgallery WEBCOMPONENT field value will be used to exchange image selection information in JSON format.

Use STRING as data type for the variable bound to the WEBCOMPONENT field.

The string variable can then be used to map the JSON to the fglgallery.t_struct_value record:
         gallery_wc STRING,
INPUT BY NAME rec.* ...
    ON ACTION image_selection
        CALL util.JSON.parse( rec.gallery_wc, struct_value )
        DISPLAY "Current: ", fglgallery.getPath(id, struct_value.current)

Filling the image gallery with pictures

In order to add a picture resource to the image gallery, use the addImage() function. This function takes three parameters:
  1. The id of the image gallery handle,
  2. The URL of the picture resource,
  3. The text/comment for the picture.

When using local application pictures, you need to understand how these pictures are transmitted to the front-end for display inside the WEBCOMPONENT. For more details, see Using image resources with the gICAPI web component.

Pictures are identified by their ordinal position in the image gallery.

To add a picture resource that resides on the application server where the program executes, use the ui.Interface.filenameToURI() method:

CALL fglgallery.addImage(id,
   "The big smiley.")
To add a picture resources that is available as a URL, from the local network or the internet, provide the URL directly:
CALL fglgallery.addImage(id,
   "Mountain ridge")
After adding pictures, display the image gallery with display():
Or call the flush() function, when the image gallery is already displayed:
CALL fglgallery.flush(id)

This flush mechanism allows you to add a set of pictures in one front-end exchange.

Get the number of pictures in the gallery

To get the number of pictures that are currently displayed in the gallery, call the getImageCount() function:
DISPLAY fglgallery.getImageCount(id)

Cleaning the image gallery

Use the clean() function to remove all pictures from the image gallery:
CALL fglgallery.clean(id)

Displaying the image gallery

To display the image gallery, use the display() function. This function takes the image gallery id as parameter, followed by the gallery type and size options:

This function can be called several times, in order to change the type and size of the image gallery.

Image gallery type (FGLGALLERY_TYPE_*)

The type of the image gallery defines the layout / rendering of the gallery. This type is defined by the second parameter of the display() function.

For possible values, see the display() function reference topic.

Image gallery size (FGLGALLERY_SIZE_*)

The size of the images displayed in the gallery is defined by the third parameter of the display() function. The size is specified with an abstract option (small, normal, large, etc). This size is related to the current font (the "em" unit is used in HTML).

For possible values, see the display() function reference topic.

Image elements aspect ratio

All image elements in the fglgallery are displayed with the same size, to align properly when the image resources have different sizes.

By default, image elements are displayed with a square (1:1) aspect ratio.

The aspect ratio can be configured with the setImageAspectRatio() function.

Get the picture resource path from a position

To get the picture resource name from an image position, use the getPath() function:
LET path = fglgallery.getPath(id, struct_value.current)

Get the picture title from a position

To get the title of a picture from an image position, use the getTitle() function:
LET title = fglgallery.getTitle(id, struct_value.current)

Delete pictures from the image gallery

To remove pictures from the image gallery, use the deleteImages() function. This function takes a DYNAMIC ARRAY OF INTEGER as parameter, defining the ordinal positions of the pictures to be deleted:

LET todel[1] = 3
LET todel[2] = 6
CALL fglgallery.deleteImages(id, todel)

Single and multiple picture selection

By default, the end user can only select a single picture from the image gallery. With the Mosaic, List and Thumbnails display modes, you can enable multiple picture selection.

Multiple picture selection is not supported with the Light Gallery display mode.

To enable multiple picture selection, use the setMultipleSelection() function:
CALL fglgallery.setMultipleSelection(id, TRUE)

Picture selection can then be detected with an ON ACTION handler.

Detecting image selection

To implement picture selection in the image gallery component, define the WEBCOMPONENT form field with a "selection" property in the PROPERTIES attribute:
   PROPERTIES = (selection="image_selection"),

Picture selection is built-in to the fglgallery web component.

In the program code, detect picture selection with an ON ACTION handler defined with an action name that matches the "selection" property of the WEBCOMPONENT field.

When the action is fired, selection information is provided in the WEBCOMPONENT field value as a JSON formatted string similar to: {"current":5,"selected":[4,5]}


In order to get the selection information directly in the program variable bound to the WEBCOMPONENT field, consider using the UNBUFFERED dialog attribute.

This JSON string can be parsed with the util.JSON.parse() method, to fill a variable defined with the fglgallery.t_struct_value type:

DEFINE struct_value fglgallery.t_struct_value
   ON ACTION image_selection
      CALL util.JSON.parse( rec.gallery_wc, struct_value )
      DISPLAY struct_value.current,

The selection structure contains a "current" field, to identify the current selected picture, and when the multiple-selection option is enabled, the "selection" field contains the list of picture ids that are selected.

Define selected pictures by program

In order to set the current picture, and select or de-select pictures from the program code, use the variable defined with the fglgallery.t_struct_value type and assign it as a JSON string to the web component field:
  1. Fill the fglgallery.t_struct_value variable with the picture ordinal positions,
  2. Convert to a JSON string with util.JSON.stringify(),
  3. Set the WEBCOMPONENT field value with the resulting string.

For example, to set picture #3 as current, and select pictures #2, #7 et #15:

DEFINE struct_value fglgallery.t_struct_value
LET struct_value.current = 3
CALL struct_value.selected.clear()
LET struct_value.selected[1] = 2
LET struct_value.selected[2] = 7
LET struct_value.selected[3] = 15
LET rec.gallery_wc = util.JSON.stringify(struct_value)

Complete fglgallery API reference

Check the $FGLDIR/src/webcomponents/fglgallery/fglgallery.4gl source for more details about the image gallery API.